Picture this:  the sun coming up over a mountain, casting a golden glow on the landscape below. It's the kind of moment that takes your breath away, where the air is filled with anticipation, and you feel the divine whispering in the wind. This is the essence of "Praise the mount" – a call to celebrate those mountaintop experiences where faith climbs to new heights.

Imagine Peter, standing in that moment, his heart racing with conviction as he declares, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." It's a moment of spiritual awe, where belief evolved into certainty. But, it's not just Peter's story; it's ours, too.

As we explore Sunday’s readings, Matthew 16:13-20 and Psalm 19, we enter into a journey of self-discovery, reflecting on our own mountain top experiences with God. Let's not stop at just reflection. Let's talk about conviction; that passion that gives us energy and a desire to roll up our sleeves to make a difference in this fractured world. We are called as a community of faith to embrace diversity and encourage growth, acknowledging that a sense of belonging is a universal human longing.

Our journey isn't just about looking back; it's about moving forward in faith, venturing deeper into the wilderness of belief. So, as we stand on the mountain of possibility, let's celebrate those moments of encounters with God, to boldly profess our faith, and to journey together as people on the path of surprise. For in those sacred mountaintop moments, we find not just answers, but the courage to keep climbing, one faith-filled step at a time. Amen.